Is your pet food safe? You might be shocked to find out.

Some pet foods are not only unsafe, but could slowly be poisoning your pets, according to a new study released by national non-profit organization Clean Label Project, and reported on by TV station KGUN9. The company studied over 900 top-selling dog and cat food products and the results were shocking, said Jaclyn Bowen, Executive Director of Clean Label Project.

81 percent of the pet foods tested exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s lead action level. 89 percent of pet foods tested exceeded the arsenic levels set by the EPA. Even high-priced pet foods labeled “natural” and “grain-free” were not a guarantee of quality.

Want to know if your pet food contains harmful environmental and industrial contaminants and toxins? Check out the the Clean Project’s Top 10 and Bottom 10 Pet Foods.

Read full story and watch the video at KGUN9

Photo credit: Yastremska


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