Go Green: Life

Get help for greening 8 Areas of Life, one at a time.

  • How to Guides & Checklists
  • Eco-Friendly Product Reviews
  • Community Discussions & Challenges

Republic of Green makes it easier to go green by organizing what you need to greenify each area of life. Each topic area links to guides, checklists, green products & services, product reviews, and the online community. Have fun exploring

Pick a path to get started!

For each path below, find the inspiration, resources, and community you need to start implementing a greener, healthier, more sustainable life for you and the planet.

Clean up your health for a more vibrant life

Feed your mind, body, and spirit what they need to thrive! Plant-based diets, holistic health, meditation, yoga, fitness, and more.

Green Your Health >

Create a healthy, non-toxic home & garden

Create a healthy, green, energy efficient home! Find eco-friendly products & services from non-toxic cleaners to solar installation & native garden tips.

Green Your Home >

Switch to non-toxic personal care and clean beauty products

Ditch your toxic products! Switch to natural, healthy products for skincare, hair care, oral care, and clean beauty makeup.

Green Your Routine >

Reduce your carbon footprint for getting around

Electric vehicles, hybrids, electric bikes, electric scooters, bicycles or even walking! There are so many clean ways to get where you’re going!

Green Your Ride >

Build an ethical, sustainable fashion wardrobe

Quit buying fast fashion and build a sustainable wardrobe that’s better for you, the environment, animals, and fashion workers.

Green What You Wear >

Go greener in your business, tech, and finance.

Learn how to grow your business’ sustainable practices. For personal investments, explore how to invest in green, socially responsible companies.

Green Your Business & Money >

Help your pets live long, healthy lives

Pets also benefit from going green! Keep your furry friends happy and healthy with natural food, non-toxic toys, and loving care from holistic vets.

Green Your Pet’s Life >

Get out, connect with others, and have some green fun!

Hiking, biking, nature preserves, talks, movies, events, natural science museums, farm tours, and volunteering — there’s so much to do!

Green Your Activities >

Share tips, questions and challenges with us

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